


Since beginning our work on baleen whales in 2016, it’s become clear that Falklands’ waters are a stronghold for several whale species. This is one of the few places worldwide where globally-Endangered sei whales can be seen from shore and found in accessible and predictable seasonal feeding areas for study. Since 2017, Falklands’ waters have also been documented as a novel wintering ground for the charismatic southern right whales.

Our goal has been to better understand these species; their distributions, population size, ecology, and interactions with human activities. This information is critical to developing effective conservation and management of whale populations, and ensuring their continued recovery from the whaling era. Currently, baleen whales can be threatened by vessel collisions, entanglement in fishing gear, prey reduction, contaminants, harmful algal blooms, and disturbance from shipping noise.


To carry out this research we’ve undertaken a variety of complementary activities on our whales. Click the arrows below to see what these have included:

Follow @FalklandsWhale for more on our research activities


Our research is providing a solid evidence-base for whale management in the Falklands. We’ve produced a government-endorsed Code of Conduct for minimising impacts on whales and dolphins from marine users, advocated for better mitigation for the impacts of industry,  provided technical reports on our survey work that are available for use in Environmental Impact Assessments, collaborated on identifying hemisphere-wide conservation goals for southern right whales, and are currently working on a Species Action Plan for sei whales.

One of the greatest achievements to date has been the international recognition of Falklands’ inshore waters as a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) for sei whales. Not only is this the first KBA for endangered sei whales globally, but it is the first KBA to be confirmed using scientific criteria for any species of whale.



Our whale research has received funding to date that includes:

2021–2024: Darwin Plus (DPLUS126)Advancing Falklands and region-scale management of globally important whale populations.

2018–2022: Darwin Plus (DPLUS082)Conserving Falklands’ whale populations: addressing data deficiencies for informed management.

2018: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Falkland Islands Government, and Falklands ConservationAbundance and distribution of sei whales on the west coast of the Falklands.

2017: EU BEST 2.0Developing a site-based conservation approach for sei whales at Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands.

2017: Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsGenetic diversity of Falkland sei whales.


A number of publications and articles have been produced since this research began in 2017. Please contact Falklands Conservation to request articles or more information.

The below 15 minute documentary was filmed alongside our 2020 whale surveys, and delves into the lives of the sei and southern right whales of the Falkland Islands, as well as the research that we have been undertaking to learn more about these fantastic whales.

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