and Acknowledgements

Corporate Supporters
Our Corporate Supporter scheme enables organisations of all sizes to demonstrate their support for the wonderful wildlife and a sustainable environment of the Falkland Islands.
Currently, we are in the process of reviewing how our Corporate Supporter scheme operates, and so will not be completing renewals or new signups for the time being. As soon as our review is complete, we hope to reopen the scheme to applicants.
We thank you for your continued support.

International Tours & Travel Ltd has been operating since June 1995. They are IATA accredited and also the General Sales Agent in the Falkland Islands for LATAM Airlines.

A fabulous wildlife destination, and organic sheep farm.

Sea Lion Island (Wild Falklands Ltd.)
One of the most southerly islands in the Falkland archipelago, the Island is operated solely for wildlife and wilderness tourism

S & JD Robertson

A warm comfortable base from which to explore the wildlife and history of Pebble Island.

Hotel, restaurant, and bar overlooking Stanley Harbour.

The longest established tour operator specialising in tailor-made itineraries and holidays to the Falklands including individual and group travel.

Accommodation and dining in the peace and tranquility of historic Darwin Settlement.

Beautiful and unique jewellery from the Falkland Islands and Yorkshire.

Construction and infrastructure development in the South Atlantic.

South American Atlantic Service Limited
The shipping company of choice for the people of the Falkland Islands

Atlantic Catch Limited
In 2020 the wildlife and natural environment of the Falkland Islands lost a great champion with the passing of Robin Woods, MBE. Robin led and contributed to scientific research and conservation in the Falkland Islands for over fifty years, and served as trustee for Falklands Conservation for fourteen. He will be deeply missed. More information.
Every year we also have a huge amount of support from many different people and organisations in terms of funds, help or advice – often all three:
Birdlife International, the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea and Areas of Influence, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and their Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BEST), in European overseas territories programme, the Royal Botanic Gardens KEW and the Millennium Seed Bank, Wildlife Conservation Society, Falkland Islands Government, UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs including their Darwin Plus programmes, the RSPB, the John Ellerman Foundation, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Detroit Zoological Society, British Antarctic Survey, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Oxford University, the International Network for Seed-based Restoration, IUCN Peatland Program, One Ocean, Quark, Aiuka, the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Island LandCare, Elephant Seal Research Group, New Island Conservation Trust, the Falkland Islands Development Corporation, the Rural Business Association, the Department of Agriculture, Shallow Marine Surveys Group, the UK Ministry of Defence, Air Tanker, the NAAFI,

Trant Construction, Stanley Nurseries, Cape Dolphin Farm, Standard Chartered Bank, Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium, Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens, Drusillas Park, Costwold Wildlife Park and Gardens, Steve Spring, Tarmac (a CRH Company), Springcreek Conservation, and Stanley Services Ltd.

We would especially like to acknowledge and thank the H.B. Allen Charitable Trust who have been regular and significant supporters or our core activities for many years. The Trust was sadly wound up in 2019.
None of our work would be possible without our members, corporate supporters and penguin adopters, who support our important conservation work with generous donations, ideas, advice, and their belief in the work we undertake.
We wish to thank you all.

Thank you to the following photographers for their images on this website:
Jerry Pierce, Julie Halliday, Alan Henry, K. Rexer-Huber, Sarah Crofts, Caroline Weir, Eileen Davies, Micky Reeves, Andy Stanworth, Elizabeth Milston, Farrah Peck, Jim Duncan, James Fenton, A. Wilson, Mike Morrison, Euan Dunn, Cleo Smallwood, Paul Trowell, Jim Duncan, Marie-Paul Deligniers, Michelle Winnard, Marlane Marsh, Frin Ross, Juliet Brodie, and Consolidated Fisheries Ltd.