Meet the team

Falklands Conservation is a small team, with 13 staff based in our head office in Stanley running our main conservation efforts, 2 wardens on New Island, and 1 additional staff member based our UK office in Sandy, Bedfordshire. We also rely on a number of dedicated volunteers both in the UK and in the Falkland Islands, along with our Trustees in the UK and FI. They are all vitally important in enabling us to undertake our work.

Chief Executive Officer: Esther Bertram
Drives the organisation forward through focus of the strategic objectives. Leads on promoting conservation ambition, working with government and local industries and international partners.

Conservation Manager: Andy Stanworth
Manages the conservation team to deliver our conservation action objectives.

Technical Administration Officer: Pamela Q Jelbes
Manages the financial, human resources and administrative aspects of the organisation.

Cetacean Ecologist: Caroline Weir
Delivers our cetaceans research in the Falkland Islands, with special focus on the endangered sei whales and southern right whales.

Biosecurity & Invasives Manager: Ross James
Manages and delivers policy and practical measures for developing biosecurity on FC sites, including through the current New Island restoration project.

Terrestrial Lead: Grant Munro
Manages the islands and other land-assets of Falklands Conservation to ensure our good stewardship of these important areas.

Community Outreach Officer: Glenn Welch
Engages and involves the community on our conservation priorities. Coordinates our educational youth group and adult outreach activities.

Communications and Marketing Officer: Darnell Christie
Develops, manages and delivers Falklands Conservation’s communications plan, including public relations, local marketing, event management and local fundraising.

Interim Logistics & Tourism Officer for New Island: Jenni Sol
Manages our business and logistics activities on New Island, including management of tourism operations on the Island.

Interim Infrastructure Officer for New Island: Tim Stenning
Driving forward infrastructural improvements and supporting day-to-day activities on New Island

Seabird Ecologist: Amanda Kuepfer
Taking forward the Falkland Islands Seabird Monitoring Programme (FISMP).

Peatland GHG Project Manager: Ben Taylor
Leading our Defra-funded project to improve our understanding of greenhouse gas emissions from Falklands peat and assessing the feasibility of carbon offsetting.

Administration Officer: Vanessa Valler-Nannig
The first point of contact for public enquiries, and provides administrative support to all aspects of the organisation.

Financial Assistant: Rabia Rao
Provides general financial and administrative support to the rest of the Falklands Conservation team.

UK Administrator: Grace Ibberson
Oversees UK office with membership engagement, retail operations, and day to day administration.

UK Volunteer: Howard Boyer
Assists the UK administrator with membership engagement, event planning, progressing albatross/penguin adoptions and making the tea!

Herbarium Curator: Helen Marsh
Maintains the National Herbarium on a voluntary basis.

Trustees & Governance
Falklands Conservation is a charitable company limited by guarantee (company number 03661322), incorporated on 4th November 1998. The company is governed by our Articles of Association.
Vice Presidents: Sir David Attenborough, Julian Fitter, Robert Gibbons, Mark Carwardine, Peter Harrison, Rebecca Ingham, and Mandy Shepherd.
The Directors of the company are also charity Trustees for the purposes of charity law and under the company’s Articles are known as members of the Board of Trustees. The composition of the Board reflects the key role of the charity with all Trustees committed to the protection of wildlife in the Falkland Islands.
Board of Trustees: Thomas Blake (Board Chairman), Henry Robinson (Board Vice Chair), Paul Brewin (FI Committee Vice Chair), Keith Biles (FI Hon Treasurer), Tim Carr, Colin Clubbe, Sally-Ann Wilson, Elizabeth Radford, Alan Ryder, Craig Lewis, Sarah Browning-Lee, Steve Fowmes.