Charity Ball

The Conservation Ball is the largest annual fundraising event for Falklands Conservation, featuring a large black-tie dinner and dance, art auction, and raffle. The funds raised are vital to support Falklands Conservation’s long-term work in the Islands.
The event would not be possible without the support from the entire community, and we would especially like to thank Consolidated Fisheries Limited who have been the primary sponsors of this event since 2004.

Native habitats support biodiversity, provide essential ecosystem services and hold significant cultural and economic value. In the Falklands, we are lucky to have large areas of pristine native habitat – but this isn’t true everywhere. Historic human activities have impacted on nature so, we must now make a joint effort to protect it for future generations. That is why this year’s FC Ball theme was centred around restoration.

Our inshore marine environment is one of the last near-pristine areas left in the world, and as we all know, a vital part our Falkland Island livelihoods. This year’s charity events recognised this beautiful and integral aspect of our islands.

‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’ was theme of this year’s ball with the aim of celebrating the amazing green initiatives begun in the Falklands community. We were extremely excited this year as well to have a fantastic cruise donation from Lindblad Expeditions available for auction, which helped us raise substantial funds for Falklands nature!

After a break in 2020, the Charity Ball was held this year on Saturday 18th September with 14 fantastic auction items up for grabs, a host of raffle prizes, and fantastic entertainment from local band, the Pushers of Music. We want to thank everyone who helped make this year a success including our sponsors, auction donors, raffle donors, and volunteers.

Unfortunately the main event had to be cancelled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. However with huge support from the community, the raffle and auction still raised nearly £20,000 to support FC and our work with the wildlife and natural environment of the Falkland Islands!

This year marked 40 years since the founding of the Falkland Islands Foundation, a predecessor to Falklands Conservation as we are today, and so this year’s event was a celebration of that milestone, but also a wider celebration of wildlife, of conservation action, and a celebration of positive and inspirational stories from across the years. With the generous backing from our enthusiastic supporters, this event raised over £22,000!

The theme this year was whales, in appreciation of the endangered sei whales that are being increasingly recorded from near-shore waters each Falklands summer. The oceans underpin much of our lives in these islands, and it is vital that we work to conserve them and their inhabitants.